How to Make Your Safari Reading List Empty

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How to Make Your Safari Reading List Empty

Safari is very famous and useful browser for many Apple users. There are many features inside this simple software, but not many of us know what exactly they can do. The so-called reading list can save different web links or pages, so you could read them later. It may sound similar to a bookmark, but you can reach these pages without using the Internet. This feature is able to use iCloud to make synchronization across devices.

How to remove your saved pages from the list

If there are many saved pages in your list, you can simply remove some. However, there is no direct way to complete such action. There is a good alternative option to delete pages, and that one method was successfully tested on both iOS and macOS.

The iOS way:

  1. Launch your Safari Browser on any device.
  2. Tap on “bookmarks” icon.
  3. Tap the Reading List icon (eyeglasses mini-icon).
  4. Make the swipe left move on this item.
  5. Tap “delete”.

How to make it on macOS:

  1. Open your Safari app. Select “View” > Show Reading list Sidebar (if it is not on display).
  2. Control-click on the selected items.
  3. Select “Remove item”.
Tap “Clear Items” to remove all items from Reading list in macOS Safari

The macOS Safari users can clear all saved items easily. You can just select “Clear all items” and confirm this action. All synced iOS devices will contain no more pages too. Another way to make the mentioned Reading List empty on iOS:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Storage & iCloud Usage and select Manage Storage.
  2. Find the Safari app in the full list of your apps and tap it.
  3. Swipe left on Offline Reading List.
  4. Tap Delete.

This is how you can easily clear the Reading list on your devices if you no longer need all saved pages.

Tap “Clear Items” to remove all items from Reading list in macOS Safari team tries to keep its focus on everything related to IT and be worthy of calling ourselves professionals. No matter what issue you have about your Mac or iPhone, we are here to help you and provide with solid facts and helpful tips. 2023

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