iTunes 12.6.3. The Old is Always Better

Itunes 12.6.3. The Old Is Always Better 52 7082366
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iTunes 12.6.3. The Old is Always Better

The newest version of iTunes 12.7 came with the bad news for all users: it removes the iOS app store, which does not allow you to manage apps on your iOS devices. That’s why many people started to wonder how to return to using the 12.6.3 version. We will try to get answers for you.

How to install iTunes 12.6.3

If your devices have iTunes 12.7, you can install and replace it with the old version. However, you need to know how to perform this action correctly. The next steps can help you to re-install iTunes.

1. After you have completed the downloading of 12.6.3 version, click twice on the disk image.

2. Read the opened document and start the installation.

3. Make sure you do not forget your password in order to proceed this process. It takes a few minutes to finish the whole installation.

4. Move the “iTunes” installer to the Trash. Now, iTunes 12.6.3 can be found in the Applications folder.

How to fix “.itl” problem with 12.6.3 version

In order to avoid this issue, follow next steps. Reassign the library of iTunes, so it wouldn’t cause troubles with the library from the previous version. Do not update iTunes by clicking “Download iTunes” since it will download the latest version.

1. Enter the Applications Folder and find the iTunes icon. Hold down the “Option key” while you are double-clicking iTunes.

2. Click on “Create Library” and it will make the new one. Find the folder “Previous iTunes Libraries”. Open it and find the .itl file. Click “open”.

3. If you chose the files in your library, iTunes is able to launch them and you can find the iOS app store, as well as the sections to manage your installed Apple apps. team tries to keep its focus on everything related to IT and be worthy of calling ourselves professionals. No matter what issue you have about your Mac or iPhone, we are here to help you and provide with solid facts and helpful tips. 2023

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